Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Men's and Women's Differing Reactions to Male and Female Nudity

Read the whole thing on Sociological Images!

Short summary:
When men see images of female nudity, they either offer praise or disapproval. The image is clearly made for them, and men express whether or not it lives up to their standards.
When women see female nudity, they compare themselves to the image they see and usually (according to the study) feel negative about it, whether the model conformed to standards of beauty or not. Men have internalized their role as active, consuming gazer, women have internalized their role as passive gazed-upon object.

Oddly enough, both men and women reported feeling uncomfortable at images of male nudity. Men did not compare themselves to the male nudes (the way women did with female nudes). Some expressed disgust or extreme disinterest and worked pretty hard to reject the "advance" of the lustful male model. Women sometimes felt aroused by the male figures, but the lust was mixed with guilt or shame.

Interesting ways to navigate the relationships once you're all down to your underpants.

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